Honoring the best

This year, we and our trainees were delighted to receive three awards from the Cologne Chamber of Industry and Commerce and one federal state best award. Continue reading

We are proud that three of our trainees completed their training this year with the grade “very good”. Congratulations!

The very good achievements were traditionally honored by the Cologne Chamber of Industry and Commerce with a ceremonial handover of certificates. On October 26, 2023, around 400 trainees from several chamber of industry and commerce districts were honored and celebrated in a festive setting at MOTORWORLD Cologne.

Florian Langfeld completed his training as an industrial clerk in February of this year. We are delighted that he will remain with us as an employee in Controlling after his successful graduation and during his subsequent distance study course in International Management.

Johannes Hemer completed his training as a cutting machine operator in June. Unfortunately, he did not remain with us as a skilled worker as he moved back home to Marburg after completing his training.

Korhan Demirbas not only made it to the best honors ceremony of the Cologne Chamber of Industry and Commerce with his very good degree as a foundry mechanic, he was also a prizewinner at the federal state best honors ceremony in Aachen on November 3, 2023. Congratulations on this really great achievement! We are particularly pleased that he will remain with us as a smelter in the foundry as a skilled worker.

Korhan Demirbas at the federal state award ceremony in Aachen

Cover photo: Selina Dahlmann (Head of Human Resources & Training at Kuhn Special Steel), Korhan Demirbas, Florian Langfeld, Johannes Hemer, Andreas Döbler (Head of Industrial-Technical Training at Kuhn Special Steel)

© Photos: Kuhn Special Steel


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