Fully trained for new challenges

The groundwork has been laid for our Group-wide energy management. Continue reading

Within the Kuhn Group, but also for external customers, kuhn.innovation acts as a hotbed of innovation with regard to the design, assembly and support of projects for the automation of processes in foundries and machining. The extensive service portfolio also includes services in the field of energy efficiency, such as identifying and eliminating weak points, answering customer inquiries on this topic and preparing sustainability reports, which will be necessary in the future in order to continue operating foundries in Germany.

In November 2023, Janek Hübner-Falkenroth (Energy Manager at kuhn.innovation) successfully completed a three-day training course on the topics of energy management officer and internal auditor ISO 50001. In addition to the basic content and requirements of DIN EN ISO 50001, numerous practical examples from energy management were discussed and debated.

“The exchange of experiences with the experienced lecturer and the other participants gave me some ideas for further improving the energy management systems I supervise,” says Hübner-Falkenroth. “The teaching units on internal audits in accordance with ISO 19011 were particularly interesting for me, as I have very little experience in this area. My understanding of the content was deepened by practical examples and exercises and confirmed by two final exams.”

Mr. Hübner-Falkenroth was appointed Energy Management Officer at Kuhn Special Steel and Zerspanungstechnik Kuhn Edelstahl at the Radevormwald site last year. From March 2024, he will also take on this role for M. Jürgensen in Sörup with the support of the local energy manager, so that synergy effects between the sites can be optimally exploited. The aim is to further reduce energy consumption and increase energy efficiency. In 2023, great energy savings were already achieved at the Radevormwald site (Energy savings 2023) – motivating further efforts: “The Group-wide energy consumption of Kuhn Industrie Holding in 2023 was around 52 GWh. The potential for energy savings is huge,” says the energy manager, looking forward to his new tasks.

Are you planning to introduce an energy management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001 – e.g. because you are obliged to do so under the new Energy Efficiency Act? Get in touch to benefit from our experience in energy management in energy-intensive companies. The clock is ticking! Depending on your average total energy consumption over the last three years, the introductory period ends on 18.07.2025.

Kuhn Innovation GmbH
+49 (0)2195 927749-0


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